Your one stop shop for all your financial needs and matters
Alfred-Escher-Strasse 17

CH-8002 Zürich, Switzerland

Who We Are

Who We Are

We are an independent, globally acting family office offering wealth management, financial planning and asset management consulting services to international individuals and companies.

​ As a single owned company, we have a long-term horizon and our goal to succeed in every engagement is unnegotiable.

​ Distinguished by our exceptional dedication to our clients, our expert know-how and our passion for quality, we have the skills to adapt fast to the changing environment of the global business landscape with the mission to respond immediately to our clients’ individual needs and requirements.

Our clients’ trust, our skills and our exceptional know-how are the most valuable assets to our firm and translate into the strong and established customer relationships we have built over the years. Our reputation precedes us.

How can we help you?

To discuss how our team can help your business achieve true results, please